
Fuel v0

Released as testnet at the beginning of 2020 (announcement).

Source code.


Fuel v1

Current release, as testnet.

Source code.

Features in addition to v0:

  • Optimize transaction format, reducing transaction sizes by ~50%
  • Contract refactoring in Yul+ for additional gas cost savings
  • Support HTLC and Return outputs
  • Extra module: Token funnel
  • Additional client-side applications:
    • mass token minting
    • liquidity provider for fast withdrawals
    • non-custodial exchange

Fuel v1.5

Future release, expected EOY 2020.

Features in addition to v1:

  • BLS signature aggregation (bringing TPS to 1,500-2,000)
  • Native NFT support
  • Optimistic mass migration

Fuel v2

Future released, expected 2021.

Features in addition to v1.5:

  • Predicate scripting
  • Covenants
  • Configurable state introspection (for Ethereum-style smart contracts)