

Below are simulation results for Fuel v1, for a number of different representative usecases. Usecase-specific and context-sensitive optimizations are not done, so these numbers are representative of normal usage. Such optimizations include batching multiple transactions from the same sender in the same rollup block to save space, or reducing the number of bits to represent token types to only handle a tiny number of tokens.

Running Locally

The simulation can be ran locally:

git clone
npm install
npm run benchmark

100k Transfers

Standard one-input two-output transfers.

  • Transactions Submitted: 100000
  • Roots committed: 360
  • Blocks committed: 3
  • Cumulative gas used: 185387356
  • Ethereum blocks used: 23
  • @100 Gwei: 18.539 ETH
  • @$300 USD / ETH: $5562

100k Token Minting

One-input eight-output mass token minting transactions.

  • Claims Processed: 100000
  • Transactions Submitted: 12500
  • Roots committed: 134
  • Blocks committed: 2
  • Cumulative gas used: 72457791
  • Ethereum blocks used: 9
  • @100 Gwei: 7.246 ETH
  • @$300 USD / ETH: $2174

75k Token Burns

One-input three-output (burn, memo, change).

  • Transactions Submitted: 75000
  • Roots committed: 275
  • Blocks committed: 3
  • Cumulative gas used: 140909433
  • Ethereum blocks used: 17.613679125
  • @100 Gwei: 14.091 ETH
  • @$300 USD / ETH: $4227

25k Subscriptions

One-input two-output.

  • Transactions Submitted: 25000
  • Roots committed: 87
  • Blocks committed: 1
  • Cumulative gas used: 45442233
  • Ethereum blocks used: 5
  • @100 Gwei: 4.544 ETH
  • @$300 USD / ETH: $1363


Benchmarks use the same transaction types as the simulations above (i.e. they are representative of normal usage).

Fuel v1 on Ropsten

100k Transfers

Contract deployed at 0x57f51C778Dd66153A44881Cc5E6e9da421c4dC85.

  • Cumulative gas used: 225360000
  • @100 Gwei: 22.536 ETH
  • @$300 USD / ETH: $6761

100k Token Minting

Contract deployed at 0x47b13755d14BCEFC49C0606Aca5E62Dc2C1Da9eC.

  • Cumulative gas used: 89184000
  • @100 Gwei: 8.918 ETH
  • @$300 USD / ETH: $2675

75k Token Burns

Contract deployed at 0xf73788cD87267c68dA5ed3e3a37c4A610a07513d.

  • Cumulative gas used: 176400000
  • @100 Gwei: 17.640 ETH
  • @$300 USD / ETH: $5292

25k Subscriptions

Contract deployed at 0x232113aaC91Bab5b6351016497f966dA8C1BfB9C.

  • Cumulative gas used: 56112000
  • @100 Gwei: 5.611 ETH
  • @$300 USD / ETH: $1683
